Energy Healing

Energy Healing has no bounds.  Effective face to face and online from anywhere in the world

Your thoughts and your body hold emotional information.  Energy Healing can facilitate positive change in your body, emotions and mind

You can create more of what you want – and avoid attracting what you don’t

If you are ready for a breakthrough from limitations in life, and wanting to consciously take yourself to the next level (whatever that may be for you), then Energy Healing can help.

I offer Energy Healing sessions and PSYCH-K® ( and session blends of both)

~ in person at my studio in Papamoa, Bay of Plenty

~ online via Zoom for anywhere in the world.

I’ve worked online with people from elsewhere in New Zealand, places of Australia, Bali, California, Eastern and Western coasts of USA


For today, for right now, Choose you.  You deserve the access to your own BEST you!

How energy healing works

We are all made of energy. It is the fundamental building block to our physical body, and consequently our emotions and our mental performance.

Science has even defined that at an atomic level, we are 0.00001 physical matter, with the rest being energetic space.  I know!  Crazy isn’t it.  But oh so true.

Thinking beyond the physical descriptions of muscle, skin and bone that we’re used to, consider your ‘being’ as lots of energetic layers that interact resulting in physical and mental outcomes.

Energy Healing taps into these layers, clearing energetic blockages to better allow a sense of flow and ease.

Clear away the energetic layers keeping you from accessing;

  • stronger clarity
  • more motivation
  • a greater sense of calm
  • greater self-confidence
  • getting yourself on track
  • enthusiam and energy for life
  • stronger belief in yourself
  • experience more unconditional love

When these energetic parts of your are aligned and balanced:  it helps – in the areas of happiness, direction, relationships, business success, confidence and fearless action taking.

What might I expect to feel?

As with all types of healing, results manifest in different ways for different people.

If you have an open mind to the concepts of your energetical being, and open heart for change, that is the best way to approach a distance healing (make that any type of healing).

Generally, people experience the right amount of ‘shifting’ to enable them to step forward in to what they are next ready for.

Most clients say they feel lighter, much more powerful and confident to accomplish their plans. Some clients have reported that their life took a wonderful positive shift after their sessions.

Energy Healing doesn’t make things new for you but it DOES take much of the blockage and barriers out of your way, so you feel able to move forward faster and more powerfully than ever before.

How many sessions are required for results?

One session is enough for some people to feel they’re placed on a more powerful and productive path.

Some people have the wish to shift a few different areas of their life, and this can be unfolded in a few sessions.

With the 3 Session and 5 Session Journey we connect for weekly support calls or via email, in-between sessions.

Many people will intuitively know when it’s time to come back and connect with me for a further session, but I will email you after a week to check in and see how you are going.

Technology for online healing sessions

All you need to online sessions is a computer and an email address. The set-up if very seamless and quick. I will guide you through it.

About Online Energy Healing

Online Energy healing is like a computer support person who you get to log in to your computer to adjust some settings.

The concept of online (via distance) healing with the internet being replaced by the connected energy between the healer and the client is how healing can be achieved over greater spaces.

I’m able to ’tune-in’ to the energetic space in and around you, and ‘access’ things much like the computer support person does, and gets things moving from there.

Distance healing can benefit someone who isn’t in the room with you also. Young children, infants, animals and businesses can all have healing, even groups of people.

What would it be like if your business got an energetic boost in sales and potential?

Online Healing can help with:

• Confidence and courage
• No more people pleasing
• Feeling lighter & more optimistic
• Trusting that life will support you
• Freedom to be your authentic self
• Increased surety in decision-making
• Greater calmness and empowerment
• Feeling brave to finally take life-changing actions
• Strengthened connection to ‘gut instinct’ and intuition
• Gaining clarity and purpose in your life & your lifeʼs path

What happens during an Online Healing session?

This time is for you. Sessions work best if you eliminate any distractions. This will allow you to be able to connect with the best parts of you and your potential for change.

It’s great if you have an idea of what you’d like to work on – which areas of life you’d like to go differently – but not always necessary.

Even if you feel that you’d like ’something’ to change, or perhaps you’re looking for an extra ‘boost’ into the next level up… it’s wonderful just to turn up with an open mind.

I use a variety of helpful tools: Reiki, Intuitive Guidance coaching, guided internal visualisations – all which help provide gentle action steps for afterwards.

After a session you may feel like you need a walk, or some quiet time, so aim to schedule some of that.

Your distance session can be recorded if you wish, and it’s there for you to access for up to 3 months after your session.

Are you ready for change? I can help
