Sometimes we need to remind ourselves that the hammock behind us was always there

Join us in guided meditation, and sound journey where you’re ‘bathed’ in voice and sound waves


These sound waves during the journey are produced by various sources, including healing instruments such as gongs, singing bowls, percussion, chimes, rattles, and even the human voice itself.

Let your human, ‘doing’ self relax,  while the magic of sound works through your body to help shift old, outdated and unhealthy energies to be transformed and infused with new harmonizing vibrational energies… which lift you up to your next best self.


Music and sound has always been used to heal. It is part of all our ceremonies, worship, celebrations, entertainment and just life.
Vibrational healing and vibration touches every part of our physical being right to the cellular level.

Come to a space of warmth and acceptance, where everyone is welcome and equal. Even if it’s your first time, everything will be clearly explained and you’ll be held in a supremely safe space.


Healing Meditation and Sound Journey:  Stillness In A Busy World

Do you find yourself sitting still and your mind is STILL active, and darting on to ‘the next thing on your list…?’
Endless mental goals, to-do’s and things that ” I Just have to do …..”
We have SO MUCH mental stimulation in out outer world at the moment, it’s difficult to rest, when our body rests.

What if STILLNESS could be a gateway to your own inner knowing, inner lane-way, inner guidance — that clears your mental windscreen and allows you to clearly see ( AND be completely at peace with ) the path ahead ?

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This evening is for:
* If you deflect or even struggle a little bit with receiving anything; compliments, favours, tasks done for you, gifts
* Wish to open space to like or love yourself to an even higher level
* Desire to feel your own Inner Stillness and Inner SPACE
* Create space for your own clarity of your future
* Create space for much more trust in yourself
* Create space for feeling deeply safe in being Still .  Receiving safely, receiving inner messages easily, feeling safe just BEing

Every event is unique, every event is tailor-made channeled on the night

The best part of a sound journey is that you can come with openness and intention, or simply arrive, lay down, and allow your body to immerse itself in deep relaxation.


Saturday 17th August
7.00pm – 8.30pm

House Of Yoga  |  3 Newton Street, Mt Maunganui
All tickets:   $33pp

Such a special event!

During a sound bath, you don’t want to hook into a melody.  Instead, allow your active brain to let go and your natural body and it’s energy to find flow.

The best part of these sound journeys is that you have as much or as little intention as you like.  You can arrive with a particular intention for change – or simply lay down and deeply relax in the immersive experience

Your unique guided journey within.


What to bring:

✨  Wear warm, comfortable clothing

✨  optional: additional blanket or sheepskin if you have one

✨  Water bottle

✨   Open mind and heart


Are you ready for change? I can help
