Photo of Stef

Imagine this -Deeply knowing to your very bones, living, breathing and waking up every day naturally being the person, professional or partner you want to be..  you can.

It all starts with our Subconscious, and transforming the beliefs that have been preventing us living fully supported, and to our potential.

PSYCH-K® is an interactive process designed to directly access your powerful Subconscious brain.
The processes are simple and gentle, to directly communicate with the storehouse of our experiences and ‘re-write’ the beliefs

People have been transforming these limiting beliefs for the last 25 years with PSYCH-K

PSYCH-K® is a simple yet powerful process of working to directly re-wire subconscious beliefs.
Through this process unhelpful messages are removed or changed so they no longer sabotage wishes, wants and goals.

The technique is designed to support you through the process of change. There isn’t any stress or anxiety that people might normally think would be associated with a ‘big change’.


Harness the power and processing speed of the subconscious mind! Full steam ahead towards the life more desired.

How PSYCH-K® works

Our subconscious mind delivers sixty to eighty thousand messages to our brain and our body every day. Studies in neuroscience state that 95% of our daily actions (and biological processes) are driven in some way by our subconscious.

Have you ever noticed, when you’re enjoying something, you’re usually quite good at it?  There’s no stress anywhere – it’s streamlined. Things usually go well.  You enjoy positive thoughts and feelings about the whole experience.

On the other hand; When we’re NOT looking forward to something – stress occurs, both physically and mentally, creating all sorts of havoc.

Negative subconscious messages are generated from this stress in the form of embedded beliefs.

Usually, they’re born from our past, and when we’re in THIS state, we expect negative outcomes.. which in turn creates self-sabotaging behaviour or fear of ‘really going for it!’

PSYCH-K® is a rapid subconscious mindset change process, through which we can re-write the mental ‘computer program’ driving your subconscious beliefs, which may be sabotaging your success, health or happiness.

The process involves using muscle-testing kinesiology together with supplementary techniques to access the subconscious and make positive changes. In some cases people have experienced changes in life-long beliefs within 15 minutes.

  • Increase your mood and positivity
  • Fuel a surge of growth in personal and professional career
  • More enthusiasm and more overall energy
  • relationships with partners, family and children
  • Improve your motivation
  • Significantly reduce stress and anxiety
  • Recovery from grief, divorce, accident trauma and emotional trauma
  • Dramatically reduce fear of public speaking
  • Take ‘speed bumps’ out of life

These actions in term can assist in the areas of happiness, direction, relationships, business success, confidence and trust, and action-taking.

What PSYCH-K® can help with:

  • Dissolving the ‘invisible ceiling’ in your progress
  • Improving relationships (with self, partners, family)
  • Forging new paths with confidence
  • Positively assisting the release of physical illness – ‘dis-ease’
  • Improving behaviour in children and reducing their stress
  • Success and achievement
  • Job performance, work and career
  • Wealth beliefs
  • Change and transformation
  • Reducing stress and anxiety
  • Eliminating a ‘cluttered brain’
  • Releasing physical back pain
  • Releasing many forms of body pain
  • Grief, loss and letting go
  • Better sleep
  • Improving mental clarity
  • Capacity to achieve goals more easily
  • Increasing in self love
  • Increasing self appreciation
  • Increasing physical energy
  • Increasing YOUR potential

About a PSYCH-K® Session

Step 1: Together we sit (me jotting down the important bits) and chat about what you want, don’t want, or what’s been occurring.

Step 2: Working together we reframe these views on areas of your life. Think of it as a reset of your mindset.

Step 3: Using muscle-testing (kinesology) we gauge responses from your body.  Then use the PSYCH-K processes to ‘re-wire’ your chosen new beliefs, in real time.

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How many sessions are required for results?

Three sessions are recommended, though many people can have shifts after one session

Over three sessions, this allows you to quickly and painlessly change subconscious beliefs that are limiting the full expression of your potential in life.

In the second and third sessions, any ‘under the radar’ beliefs can come up, and we use these sessions to clear these to even further explore your greater potential

A few different areas of their life can be transformed also, and this can be unfolded in a few sessions

The 3 Sessions and 5 Sessions can be booked for either in clinic- or online using Zoom.

Many people will intuitively know when it’s time to come back and connect with me for a further session, and I also email you in the weeks after your session for a friendly check-in.

Technology for online healing sessions

All you need to attend online sessions is a computer and an email address. Online appointments are via zoom, or if you prefer Facetime or phone.

If you feel that you’ve stalled in life or that you want to strive for and even greater life, it may be to do with your subconscious beliefs.

Psych-K® has helped many of my clients and I think it can quickly show you improvements, or even change things completely.

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Are you ready for change? I can help
